Sunday, October 28, 2007

Slowly but surely

I feel like I am making some progress. I am not as tired, can stay up for hours at a time vs. having to lay down often. When I sleep, I can sleep for more than 30 minutes at a time. I may get up 2 times a night now vs. the 7-10 times I got up the first two nights. (TMI ahead) I am still having some issues with diarrhea and upset stomach that are causing me grief. I know they will pass but, right now, it's dragging me down. (/TMI)

I have decided not to go to work tomorrow and take another day to rest and recover. I am hoping that, after tomorrow, I will feel well enough to at least do 1/2 days if I need to.

All in all, things are getting better. I still have some discomfort from the surgical gas that they use but it is going away slowly but surely. I am ready to "back to normal"--whatever that is. ha!


Melissa said...

good grief, Brandi! back to work this week? take it had major surgery!

Hope you are feeling better soon. I've been thinking about you :)

Jill said...

I am slow getting here but glad to hear things are on the up-swing! I hope things continue to get better each day :) I am so excited you decided to blog about your experience and journey ahead. hugs to you!